Friday, November 4, 2011

first snow

I am not normally a fan of snow, however I do try to find the beauty in all things. So when I saw the snow fall for the first time tonight I decided to make a illustration out of it.

I chose to make the snow looking in, instead of the people looking out. This way the snow was more a character than a object-however the snow is still a secondary character to the main figures. I also tried to play with color contrast and value- wondering what the figures nearest to the window would look like vs the figures farther away. I tried to keep in mind while this is a "cool" palette I still wanted warmth; so I focused on warm grays and shades of yellow ocher, rather than various shades of blue which would be a normal fall back for someone painting night.

I sound a little geeky, but I love this stuff!

Over all, it makes me smile.
And I hope it makes you smile too :)

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