Thursday, October 27, 2011

a slow awakening quilt

Here is a sneak peak of the quilt. It is more blue -like the sketch- in person.

(Just to let you know, it is so much easier to critique a 3D object when it is scanned. I already know where I need to fix now- where before I was interrupted by shadow and I wasn't sure.)

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

a slow awakening

[a slow awakening]
I drew this image the moment I woke up today, below is a description I wrote next to the sketch:

"The day after I quit my job on a sales floor selling furniture; I quit so that I could have time to be an artist. It is one of the bravest things I have ever done- to give up a security for a passion. Wakening slowly, the thoughts of what I will now have to do (with my life) to reach my goal as an artist now begins to flood my mind. They (the thoughts) become *more solid, more real. There is a white space between the blanket and the girl, that blank space is faith- facing the fear of the unknown, trusting in me, and my God."
*quilt is the represented as the mind's understanding/space between dreaming and reality, wish and a goal. The solidness of the blocks is the reality that this is all possible.

(The final will be in fabric and paper)

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

wet weather

Rainy/chilly weather was on my mind today, apparently. Here are a few sketches that I did this evening: I tossed some value and color on in Photoshop. I look forward to making these final illustrations!
Have a happy day!
And as always let me know what you think?!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

first leaf of october

I wanted to quickly scan this in and show you a more finalized sketch of the girl (thumb and color comp in previous posting) I have been sketching in pen for so long (training my eye and hand not to erase) that once I put the pencil to the paper I didn't need to erase, that was a pretty neat feeling.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Happy October

Tuesdays with Sally

I listened to a talk today about using time wisely...I knew I was guilty because I haven't been building my portfolio or creating at all. So I quickly sketched this up while I listened.

I played with color (which is o.k.)

It is hard to juggle life, but I need to make time for my art, after all I am an artist.